The life of Muffin!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Learning to share is so hard!

Learning to share has been very hard for me. I just don't like it when kids play with my toys!! I try, I do, but inevitably I freak out and cry and throw myself on the floor! Its very frustrating to Momma, and frankly my friends don't really like it either. So, Momma and I have been working really hard on trying to get me to share with out tears. On Tuesday when my friends came over Momma bribed me with ice cream. No crying, no fits and I have to offer my toys to my friends. And you know what? I did it! I DID!! I offered my buggy to ARayRay (don' tworry, I quickly pointed it out to Momma so she'd know I was trying extra hard today!). The ice cream bribe worked like a charm. There were two occasions where I almost lost my cool, but Momma would remind me about the ice cream and I'd reel in my freak out and listened while Momma or Miss D helped me to resolve the conflict. I did such a great job and Momma was so happy. I think my friends where happy too. And at the end of the day everyone had a good time, and Momma didn't feel like having friends over was a bad idea. And so yes, I got my reward of ice cream from the local DQ. Sprinkles, with eyes in a cone...just the way I like it best!

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