The life of Muffin!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My day was a busy one!

This is me, exploring the playscape at the park today while at my play group. I'm peeking through the slats at my friend M who just went down the slide with her mom and is playing on the swings. She's 3 months older than me and I am very taken by her. I was a little nervous being on the playscape, so I stuck close to Mamma. In order to get down off of the playscape we had to go down the spiral slide. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I mostly had a shocked look on my face. After that we played on the swings, but I was very tired and mostly just wanted to be held today.

Once momma put me in the car to go home I fell asleep. I was so worn out from my exciting weekend with gramma, and my road trip and then play group that I crashed for close to three hours! I didn't even wake up when momma took me into the house, nor when she undressed me and put me in bed!

But, when I did wake up I was playing in my crib for a while. I like to pull clothes out of my hamper and into my crib, or anything I can reach. But the things that are in my crib, I like to throw over the rail; my elephant from Uncle C and his girl friend C, my blanket from gramma, my monkey from Daddy...whatever is in the crib when I start out. When momma came in to get me, I ignored her and went about my mission of trying to put clothes on myself, pulling things through the rails and throwing things over them. Usually I jump up (if I'm not already standing up hollering) and reach out my arms, but today I sat there with my leg dangling through the rails...playing.

After my nap I ate spaghetti that Grandma sent home for me with my daddy yesterday. I love spaghetti. Then I spent the afternoon taring up the house and terrorizing momma and Kaida (my pony sized dog). I emptied all of the water bottles out of the box. I emptied my favorite cabinet. I pulled down all of the papers and magazines mommy stacks on the edge of the table (just for me) and scattered them about the kitchen floor. I ripped some of them and then played keep away with Momma. I'd hold out the torn piece of paper, she'd reach for it, then I would grab it back and take off as fast as my little legs could carry me, just laughing all the way. I did this for quite some time, running all over the house. I then found a banana (I love those!) in my diaper bag, so I carried that around for a while. I put a toy bird up to my ear and talked on it like it was a phone, sat on momma's lap for a while, talked to my daddy on the phone while he was driving home from work, and now I am back in the kitchen playing...

...And waiting for daddy!

...and turning the TV on and off.

...and then running to the door when daddy finally does make it home!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I saw that you had posted on Carly's blog and I saw that your pic was an ultrasound. I hope you don't mind me coming over to take a look. Your daughter and your dog...that is SO precious! And Daddy coming home...that's the best! We have puppies for babies right now and they love to wait by the door for my hubby. I love how excited my husband is to see them waiting!
