The life of Muffin!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Two new teeth!!

This morning I discovered that the Muffin has two new teeth!  They look like they just broke through.  Its her top two "i-teeth".  Her bottom ones are coming too, but her bottom right one will be through this week.  That explains a lot of the whinning and crying and looney behaviour we've seen here lately.  Sigh.  Soon she is going to look all grown up with all of her teeth.  Sniff.

1 comment:

  1. Awww poor wittle Aubbi-doodle! No wonder. How cute, but I kno wut u mean...they do lose their baby look with more teeth. That's ok, they just look more like toddlers then! So is she cheering up now, or aren't they in good yet?
